April 2023

Moscow Poly Enrollees Received Erich Krause Pens on Open Day for Final State Examination

Moscow Poly partnered with the representatives of “OFFICE PREMIER” – exclusive distributor of Erich Krauser for holding an Open Day event. All enrollees, who attended the event on April 15, received from Erich Kraus “G-soft” and “Megapolis” gel ink pens that will help graduates to feel themselves comfortable at such an important stage as Final Unified Examination.


According to the head of the department for educational projects and advertising video content under Erich Krause company Irina Vilkova, the company sets as its mission including among other things support of student scientific initiatives.

“There are many commercial companies now that take pride of their shared elaborations with the leading scientific-research institutes. We do have such elaborations, too, take “ErgoLine Kinds” pen, for example, which is a special ergonomic grip together with reduced viscosity ink pen that reduces hand muscles static charge and created conditions for a correct working position and comfortable writing. Our company supports scientific research and we`re already thinking through establishing project activity together with Moscow Poly. There are a lot of thoughts regarding this, and I think the results will already show as early as next year. It`s nice to see inspired faces of enrollees, students and employees of the University. We`re are happy to have such a decent partner in the face of Moscow Poly”, – emphasized Irina Vilkova at the round table held at Moscow Poly.

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