Projects of Moscow Polytech: Structured Low-Defect Thin-film Materials for Efficient Nanoelectronics devices
In a new column, Moscow Polytech will describe projects that are being implemented by students together with the university’s industrial partners. In this issue, the supervisor of the project “Structured low-defect thin-film materials for efficient nanoelectronics devices” Alexander Kazak will talk about the goals and tasks, the application of developed technologies and cooperation of the team’s cooperation with partners.
The project’s goal is obtaining low-defect thin-film organic materials and studying the structure-properties relationship. These are aimed at efficient nano-electronics devices.
How are films obtained?
We obtain films on the interface of the phases: liquid air, water-air, which are further transferred onto a solid substrate.
Where are the films applied to?
First of all, solar cells. Research and development of organic elements is currently under way in the world, given silicon is very expensive and non-ecological.
Solar cells convert solar energy into the electric one. This is called alternative energy. At present, we obtain energy by means of combusting gas and crude oil. These are non-renewable resources; therefore, people are also looking for an alternative to them. The Sun is a good option, as it shines all the time. An example of transformation of solar energy into electric energy is photosynthesis: transformation of solar energy into chemical energy with the help of chlorophyll molecules.
How efficient is it?
Already now, organic compounds achieve efficiency of about 17-18%, while the efficiency of monocrystalline silicon is about 26-28%. However, there were studies that showed that it is expedient to replace monocrystalline silicon by organic photocells with their efficiency 3%, since such photocells are cheaper and more safe.
The second application – are optical limits. These limiters of laser emanation, which are required for cosmonautics, for pilots. In the open space laser emission is very active, but it also occurs in ordinary human life. The eyes of pilots and cosmonauts suffer from laser emission. Electronic devices may breakdown because of laser emission. Our films for visual radiation are transparent, pass it without problems, and do not pass dangerous emanation (laser one), what protects the eyes and electronics.
The third application is various sensors, for example, the gas ones. They can be installed at industrial enterprises.
How are students engaged in the project?
Students are engaged mainly in theoretical issues and simulate the processes of films behavior under different conditions.
They learn to:
• Identify conditions of forming defect-free, low deficient films by using experimental data.
• Identify conditions when forming films is impossible.
• Determine the films structure and demonstrate how they reveal themselves, study their features.
What are the pros and cons of such films?
The very first advantage is that at a molecular level, we may control structure of obtained films and, correspondingly, we may optimize and obtain more efficient films for various applications. By varying their structure, we vary their features.
The second advantage is that very expensive equipment is not required; everything is formed on the surface of water and other sub phase. But rather a clean room is required.
The third advantage is formation of a wide class of compounds, not dissolvable in organic solvents.
Among disadvantages is difficult scaling in industry. It is feasible, but complicated.
Which organic substances are part of your films?
These are porphyrins and phthalocyanines in the first place. The green organs of plants contain a substance called chlorophyll, which converts solar energy into chemical energy. In addition, chlorophyll is a derivative of porphyrins. Porphyrins and phthalocyanines are heterocyclic compounds that are dyes and are used in optics and electro–optics.
Students from which faculties participate in the project?
They mainly represent: Chemistry, Biotechnology, Physics and Biochemistry.
Which film properties do you study?
• Optical properties – fluorescence, spectral features
• Electro physical properties - energy conversion
• Sensory properties - ability to capture gases
Which result do you expect by the end of this semester?
To teach students to work with films, to define their structure, properties, dependency of these two parameters, in order to further independently obtain these films and work with them directly. To give them a theoretical basis.