
Sustainable development
Digitalization for Sustainable Development: Сontribution of Moscow Polytech
Digitalization for Sustainable Development: Сontribution of Moscow Polytech
The educational ecosystem of Moscow Polytech expands the audience and strengthens its presence in academic and scientific community, having become the platform for communication on actual issues of education and science. The selection of topics is determined taking into account national inter...
“Ecological Dictation - 2023” Conducted at Moscow Polytech
“Ecological Dictation - 2023” Conducted at Moscow Polytech
On November 24, 2023, Moscow Polytech became a platform for the All-Russian Ecological Dictation, in which around 68 students and faculty staff members participated.
Moscow Polytech Will Talk About "Smart City" At Online Meeting with Teacher of Project Activities
Moscow Polytech Will Talk About "Smart City" At Online Meeting with Teacher of Project Activities
What means “Smart Cities” and how are they arranged? You can get an answer to this question on October 19 at 17:00 on the Telegram channel of Moscow Polytech during an on-line meeting with Ilya Dunichkin.
Student of Moscow Polytech Became One of EcoLeaders of Russia
Student of Moscow Polytech Became One of EcoLeaders of Russia
Merab Harbedia, a third-year student of the Institute of Printing Arts (Quality Management in Printmedia) of Moscow Polytech became a winner of the project “Ecosophia” of the presidential platform “Russia - the Land of Opportunities” and joined the pool of EcoLeaders of Russia. The grand fina...
More than 50 People Took Part in Donor Day at Moscow Polytech
More than 50 People Took Part in Donor Day at Moscow Polytech
On May 30, the Donor Day event took place at Moscow Polytech. It was jointly organized by Curators of Moscow Polytech and the Moscow Blood Center named after O.K. Gavrilov.
Students and Employees of Moscow Polytech Can Get Vaccinated against Measles
Students and Employees of Moscow Polytech Can Get Vaccinated against Measles
Students and employees of Moscow Polytech can get vaccinated against measles within the period of May 5-10 at the vaccination point at the address: Avtozavodskaya, 16. 
Moscow Polytech Scientists Develop Unmanned Vehicles and Solve Issues of Sustainable Development in Transport Industry
Moscow Polytech Scientists Develop Unmanned Vehicles and Solve Issues of Sustainable Development in Transport Industry
Sergey S. Shadrin, doctor of technical sciences, expert at the Infrastructure Center of the National Technological Initiative (NTI) “Autonet” at Moscow Polytech, potential research supervisor of the International Olympiad “Open Doors” of the Association “Global Universities”.
“Priority 2030”: Unique Alloy Obtained in Moscow Polytech For Safe Storage of Hydrogen
“Priority 2030”: Unique Alloy Obtained in Moscow Polytech For Safe Storage of Hydrogen
Scientists of Moscow Polytech for the first time synthesized an alloy of chemically active metals using the calcium hydride method. Such powders are characterized by a high ability of absorbing and retaining hydrogen. The alloy is added to the container for transporting hydrogen, which absorb...
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