International Activities
Information for Foreign Students

Information for Foreign Students

Entering the Russian Federation

ALL international students (except for citizens from Belarus, and those with temporary or permanent resident permit) on the territory of the Russian Federation are obliged to provide:For those who entered

For those who entered Russia AFTER 29 December 2021 – within 90 days from the border crossing date;
For those who entered Russia BEFORE 29 December 2021 – before 31 December 2022.

  1. Medical examination certificates;

  2. Mandatory state fingerprinting procedure and photography certificates.

Medical examination should be undergone before the fingerprinting only at the authorized medical organizations. The service charge is 5,000 – 7,000 RUB.

The international students have to attend the medical examination personally in the fasted state. The medical examination includes screening for toxins and psychotropic substances; testing for presence or absence of infectious diseases posing threat for the people around, including COVID-19 testing and HIV-infections.

The students have to provide both the original and a copy of the following documents:

  1. Passport;

  2. Passport notarized translation;

  3. Immigration card;

  4. Registration card.

Medical certificates issued abroad (even if legalized and translated into Russian) are NOT accepted.

Fingerprinting procedure and photography shall be taken after the medical examination at the special authorized regional offices for immigration services – free of charge, or at Moscow Immigration Center (Moscow, Varshvskoe shosse, 64km, property 1, build. 47) – from 1,000 RUB.

One has to bring along the original and copies of the following documents:

  1. Passport

  2. Passport notarized translation into Russian

  3. Immigration card

  4. Registration card

  5. Documents confirming the medical examination.

In case the student fails to comply with the legislation the student will be subjected to sanctions:

  • Reducing the term of the temporary stay in Russia

  • Issuing a decision on undesirability of presence in Russia (deportation from Russia).

All foreign citizens staying on the territory of the Russian Federation are obliged to have an obligatory medical insurance policy. Obligatory medical insurance policies can be formalized in B-102 or any insurance company.

Check-in Procedure and Residing in Dormitories

Within 72 hours after entering the Russian Federation one has to take a PCR-test. It can be done individually, or at the dormitory. However, in case one decides to take the PCR-testing at the dorms, they`ll have to be quarantined until the results are available.

The next day after the quarantine ends the student has to come to Moscow Poly visa-consular department (Moscow, Bolshaya Semyonovskaya st. 38, office N-315) for migration registration procedure.

Filing and Renewal of Registration

All foreign citizens and stateless persons who arrived for studying at Moscow Poly must arrive on the first working day following the day of crossing the state border of the Russian Federation to the Consular Migration Department (office N-315).

The required documents are:

  • Passport;
  • Visa (for the citizens of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Turkmenistan, Georgia and non-CIS countries);
  • Migration Card, which is filled in upon entering the Russian Federation;
  • Certificate from the Center for Work with Students (or an invocation certificate) with indication of the period of a session (for foreign distant learning students);
  • A copy of an Agreement and a payment receipt for the last term studies (for the students on a paid basis).

Visa Extension

All foreign citizens and stateless persons who arrived for studying at Moscow Poly from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Turkmenistan, Georgia and non-CIS countries must apply for extension of an educational visa – 40 calendar days prior to their previous visa expiration date. In case of infringement of the stipulated time terms the visa shall not be extended and the student should submit an application for an invitation letter for obtaining a single-entry visa.

Required documents are:

  • Passport;

  • Valid Visa;

  • Migration Card, which is filled in upon entering the Russian Federation;

  • Detachable coupon of the Notification Form on arrival of a foreign citizen;

  • Receipt of the state duty payment for visa issuance;

  • 1 passport size photo (3x4);

  • Copy of an Agreement for Studies (for the students on a paid basis);

  • Receipt of payment for tuition fee (for contract students).

ATTENTION: the passports valid less than for 6 months will not be accepted!

Making Invitations

Foreign citizens, willing to submit documents for making invitations must submit their applications not less than 45 calendar days prior to the planned date of arrival.

Required documents are:

  • International passport scan (valid not less than 1,5 years);

  • Domestic passport scan (if applicable);

  • A scan of the International Passport Translation;

  • Filled-in application form for making an Invitation Letter;

  • Receipt for a state duty payment (for the preparatory department students).

ATTENTION: the passports valid less than for 1,5 years are NOT accepted!

Contact Information

Consular Migration Department

Head of the Department: Zolotov Alexander Mikhailovich 

Phone: + 7 (495) 223-05-23 (Ext. 1318, 1153, 1251)


Office: N-315.

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