At first sight it is impossible to build a sport car in a single year for those who have never participated in international student engineering competitions such as the Smart Moto Challenge and Formula Student.
A modern sports team is a professional team and high-tech production, because most of the progressive ideas and new technologies first appear on the racetracks to prove their effectiveness in tough competition conditions. As a student team, you will create a new generation electric bike and racing car and defend it in front of world leaders in Barcelona, Austria, Germany and Italy. Regulations of international competitions impose high requirements for the qualifications and competencies of new generation engineers.
A special feature of the program is its focus on the formation of creativity, innovative and entrepreneurial thinking, the development of necessary practical abilities to design and implement new types of land-based railless vehicles and their components. Special attention is paid to the compliance of the obtained competencies with the requirements of professional standards. Modern approaches are used in the design of the car structure.
The purpose of the educational program is to train a specialist in the field of vehicle development who has all the necessary knowledge and skills for successful professional activity; a specialist who has learned in practice all the stages of development and implementation of new types of products; who can identify the problem, set tasks; having the skills to gradually improve the result, system thinking, leadership and organizational skills, the ability to work in a team and build communication, able to make decisions independently, take responsibility and find solutions in conditions of uncertainty.
Training is provided by the best specialists in their field. During the training, students are involved in General engineering projects and external projects with real customers. Students learn fr om their own experience the skills of group work, interdisciplinary communication, Analytics, design, and how to bring projects to implementation. Students are given the opportunity to participate in the international student project "Formula student", which gives an excellent opportunity to apply the theory in practice.
A graduate who mastered the educational program has all the necessary professional knowledge and skills that are sufficient for sustainable professional development and career growth in the automobile business and automobile engineering.
Studying at Moscow Poly
Program is aimed at the development of employer’s project. Students lead the project from the start, developing it using various devices, software and technology. Each project has its own supervisor, who sets tasks and helps with solving issues. Projects of our students are developed at laboratories, including:
- Student technological center. It’s a structural department of the university within Project Activities Department, unifying its technologic, material and academic resources, intended for development and realization of students’ project activities.
- Design laboratory of Project Activities Department. Here the students can learn product manufacture by means of additive production (3D printing), 3D modeling, and 3D scanning. Laboratory is equipped with personal extrusion-type 3D printers, which cater to the most needs, arising during project activities at the university. It’s also equipped with equipment for printing photopolymer components to a high accuracy – up to 0,32 µm. Relying on high tech equipment students are able to create, assess, perform experiments and conduct tests on their own projects.
- ChemBioTech cluster. Possibilities of Project Activities Department’s workshop include: bench-work and mechanical operating, gas-welding operation, process operations with conduct pipes, assembly of electrical and radio devices, vacuum technology, measurement campaign complex, etc.
- Fab Lab of Moscow Poly. Fab Lab is located at the Elektrozavodskaya street branch of Moscow Poly, A-building basement floor. It’s a place wh ere students are able to come and work on their engineering projects. Fab Lab provides work places for soldering, lab equipment, 3D-printers. You can also perform microcontroller-programming: work with debug boards and sensors.
Students are concerned to work for the result, thanks to their project activities, and every graduate has his own portfolio of successful projects – CV of sorts – which guarantees that student mastered all elements of the curriculum.
Professional environment
- GC Business-Car educational courses;
- Manufacturing practices;
- Educational program “Hella Technologies” of Hella Group and “Smart” engineering center. While studying this program you will learnt about new technologies, applied in manufacture process of components, illumination systems and electronics;
- Joint education program of Moscow Poly and “Atlant-M” holding 0 “Modern vehicle technologies”. You will be introduced to modern vehicle technologies and find out how to become a part of car business;
- “Cummins modern technologies” educational program;
- Educational lectures of GC Mechanics and SM MOTORENTEILE German company.