Admission Rules
Admission committee
+7 (495) 223-05-37

Admission Rules

We divided the order of admission to the university into blocks. Choose your level of education

From this section you will learn all the necessary information for admission: what documents are needed, who passes the entrance tests conducted by the university, on admission to state-funded and and commercial-based, how enrollment occurs, what to do after admission.

Submission of Documents

List of Documents Needed:

  • Application for admission to the 1st course of study
  • notarized copy of passport and notarized translation of passport into Russian;
  • notarized copy of educational documents and notarized translation of these documents and their appendices into Russian;
  • presence of consular legalization and apostille on documents (in the absence of international agreements between countries on mutual recognition abrogating legalization); 
  • nostrification (in the absence of international agreements between countries on mutual recognition abrogating nostrification);
  • 4 photos 3×4 (on matte paper without a hat, made not earlier than 2023)

How to submit documents:

Via a personal account for applicants (If you have any problems, please contact us via email


Only applicants who provide the original document of education and a statement of consent to enrollment participate in the competition for budget places.

  • Application No. 1 for consent of enrollment
  • Application No. 2 for consent of enrollment (to the withdrawal of Application No. 1)

If you submitted the original document of education (for budget places), you can submit an application for consent to enrollment via e-mail

Orders for admission to places for paid tuition are issued regardless of orders for admission to budget places.

To enter places for paid tuition if you have the minimum required admission points and places in the selected direction you need:

  • Fill in a statement of consent to enrollment.
  • Conclude an agreement on educational services via a personal account for applicants. The agreement is concluded with an adult applicant or with his legal representative (for example, with a parent). If the applicant is underage, the agreement is concluded with the legal representative.
  • Pay for educational services (at least 1 semester) through the bank and provide a receipt for payment to the Contracting Department of the Moscow Polytechnic University or send a scanned copy of it to the email address
Documents Submission

Documents List

  • Application for admission (be available after June, 20)
  • notarized copy of passport and notarized translation of passport into Russian;
  • notarized copy of educational documents and notarized translation of these documents and their appendices into Russian;
  • presence of consular legalization and apostille on documents (in the absence of international agreements between countries on mutual recognition abrogating legalization);
  • nostrification (in the absence of international agreements between countries on mutual recognition abrogating nostrification);
  • 4 photos 3×4 (on matte paper without a hat, made not earlier than 2022)

List of additional documents

  • Contract on employer-sponsored education (if present).

Address: 107023, Moscow, Bolshaya Semyonovskaya str. 38, to Admission Commitee

provided by an enrollee or their representative-in-law to reception points of the Admission Commitee; to an authorized official of the University conducting admission in a building of another organization or in a mobile point of documents reception.

Through Federal State Information System “Unified Portal for State Services and Functions”.

Undergoing Entrance Examination

The dates of Entrance Examinations conducted by Moscow Poly are published in the schedule It is published not later than July 1 Consultations and examinations are conducted after the documents submission stage.

Entrance examinations are conducted in Russian.


Only applicants who provided the original of Document on Education and Enrollment Agreement may participate in the competition for state-funded places.

Enrollment Agreement Form.

If you submitted the original document of education (for state-funded places), you can submit an application for acceptance by e-mail

Admission to state-funded places

Orders for admission to commercial-based places go regardless of orders to state-funded places.

To enter commercial-based places if you have the minimum required points and places in the selected direction you need:

  • To write a statement of consent to enrollment.
  • To come to the address of the filing of documents and conclude an agreement on educational services. The contract is concluded with an adult applicant or with his legal representative (for example, with a parent).
  • Pay for educational services (at least 1 semester) through a bank and provide a receipt for payment to the Contracting Department of the Moscow Polytechnic University or send a scanned copy to

August 13, 2020, no later than 17:00 — Ratings posting on the official website and information stands;

August 14, 2020, 18:00 — the completion of the acceptance of the originals of Documents on Education and (or) qualifications, Enrollment Agreements from persons entering the field as part of the Quotas;

August 17, 2020, no later than 17:00 — publication and placement of orders for admission to study for master's programs in places within Quotas on the official website and the information stand of the selection committee.

August 27, 2020, 18:00 — completion of acceptance of Enrollment Agreement from applicants for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services;

August 28, 2020, no later than 18:00 — publication and posting on the official website and information stand of the selection committee of orders for admission to study for master's programs in places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

September 23, 2020, 18:00 — the completion of acceptance of consent for admission from applicants to places within quotas;

September 25, 2020, 18:00 — completion of acceptance of consent for admission from applicants to places within the framework of the quotas;

September 28, 2020, no later than 17:00 — publication and posting on the official website and the information stand of the selection committee of orders for admission to study under the master's program in the field within the quotas;

September 29, 2020, 18:00 — completion of acceptance of consent for admission from applicants for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services;

September 30, 2020, no later than 17:00 — publication and placement on the official website and information stand of the selection committee of orders for admission to study under the master's program in the field under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

September 25, 2020, 18:00 — the completion of the acceptance of the original documents on education and (or) qualifications, consent to enrollment from persons entering places within the control figures;

September 28, 2020, no later than 17:00 — publication and posting on the official website and the information stand of the selection committee of orders for admission to study under the master's program in the field as part of the control figures.

After Enrollment

For enrolled ones before the start of the school year, working meetings are held at which applicants get acquainted with classmates, Directorate of the University, receive student ID cards, student’s records, passwords from their personal account, and analyze organizational issues.

Full-time students must additionally have the following documents:

  • 3 pcs. of photos sized 3x4 on matte paper;
  • medical documents for registration in the medical service of the university;
  • copy of passport;
  • full-time male students must bring documents for military registration (registration certificate or military ID);
  • Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) — will be required for paperwork during practical training (must be completed before December 2020);
  • pension insurance certificate — will be needed for paperwork during practical training (to be issued before December 2020).
Documents Submission

List of documents:

  • Application for admission (be available after June, 20)
  • notarized copy of passport and notarized translation of passport into Russian;
  • notarized copy of educational documents and notarized translation of these documents and their appendices into Russian;
  • presence of consular legalization and apostille on documents (in the absence of international agreements between countries on mutual recognition abrogating legalization);
  • nostrification (in the absence of international agreements between countries on mutual recognition abrogating nostrification);
  • 4 photos 3×4 (on matte paper without a hat, made not earlier than 2022)

List of additional documents:

When enrolling for postgraduate studies, the university takes into account the following individual achievements:

  • publications in journals indexed in the international citation-analytical databases Web of Science and Scopus — 10 points for each publication;
  • publications in journals included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for publishing the main scientific results of dissertations (the “Higher Attestation Commission list”), as well as copyright certificates for inventions, patents — 5 points for each publication, copyright certificate or patent;
  • articles, texts, abstracts published in the proceedings of international or national symposia, conferences, seminars — 4 points for each publication;
  • diplomas of winners of international and all-Russian scientific competitions, student olympiads and creative festivals, the subject of which corresponds to the direction of preparation (scientific specialty) in graduate school — 3 points for each diploma.
  • other publications — 2 points for each publication;
  • diplomas of winners of regional competitions, student olympiads and creative festivals, the subject of which corresponds to the direction of preparation (scientific specialty) in graduate school — 2 points for each diploma;
  • availability of a certificate of passing the candidate exams (for persons who have passed the candidate exams abroad - certificates of the validity of the submitted document for passing the candidate exams issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) — 2 points;
  • Master or specialist diploma with honors — 1 point.

Address: 107023, Moscow, Bolshaya Semyonovskaya str. 38, to Admission Commitee

Provided by an enrollee or their representative-in-law to reception points of the Admission Commitee; to an authorized official of the University conducting admission in a building of another organization or in a mobile point of documents reception.

Through Federal State Information System “Unified Portal for State Services and Functions”.

Undergoing Entrance Examinations

The dates of Entrance Examinations conducted by Moscow Poly are published in the schedule It is published not later than July 1 Consultations and examinations are conducted after the documents submission stage

Entrance examinations are conducted in Russian


Only applicants who provided the original of the Document on Education and Enrollment Agreement may participate in the competition for state-funded places.

Enrollment Agreement

If you submitted the original document of education (for state-funded places), you can submit an application for acceptance by e-mail:

On August 21 — to intramural, extramural and distant forms of study to places under quotas and upon agreements on provision of commercial-based educational services.

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