February 2025

Yuri Furletov: “Today’s discoveries will change the world in 40 years”

A Senior Researcher of Moscow Polytech Yuri Furletov on the air of the program “Reflection” at the Public Television of Russia told why modern scientific achievements are of no less importance than a space flight, about the breakthroughs of the Russian scientists in medicine and much more on the eve of Russian Science Day

An important place in the talk took a topic of contemporary scientific achievements. According to the viewpoint of the scientist, the common view that today’s discoveries are less important than the achievements of the past is fundamentally wrong. 

“What seems today being a minor breakthrough, may in 40 years turn out the key to the flight to the Neptune”, - underlined Yuri Furletov.

Speaking about specific achievements the expert told about recently registered in Russia the world's first drug for Ankylosing Spondylitis. Meanwhile, the scientist confessed that even specialists not always could assess the importance of discoveries in the other areas of science:

“I am myself fr om the field of robotics and automotive transport and, when I read about the achievements in molecular biology, this seems being something incredible. Although, many people think for some reason that scientists know absolutely everything”.

In the interview Yuri Furletov paid attention to the most relevant topic today – the development of AI technologies and new computational capacity, which open principally new opportunities for scientific research works. According to him, just these tools allow you to make discoveries wh ere earlier it seemed being impossible. 

“Now very promising are research works in the sphere of biology and medicine. We all dream of living longer, not getting sick, not getting old. And it is in these directions active work is underway”.

In conclusion, of the talk the speaker noted the growing interest of the society to science, which manifests itself even in everyday life: 

“Many people follow scientific news even without realizing it. And those, who optimize in their garage the design of old “LADA” car, are also engaged in some kind of scientific activity”.

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