March 2023

“What Is Space to Me?” – Museum of Cosmonautics and Moscow Poly Hold Creative Contest

Museum of Cosmonautics and Moscow Poly are launching a joint contest for school and college students from Russia, CIS countries and the Middle East region. The Contest is commemorated to the Day of Cosmonautics. The contestants` works will be evaluated by the hero of the USSR, astronaut-pilot Alexander Laveikin.

In the course of one month, the participants will be creating works in two nominations: author`s essay and visual art. All of them will be united by the subject – “What Is Space to Me?” – that will help them unveil a wide range of their talents.

The contest aims to help participants discover their creative potential. They`re expected to turn true their vision on space. Each participant will get a chance to practically master such artistic style as cosmism.

РаботThe works can take the form of futuristic paintings that tell about exploring far away planets, or an essay with the author`s thoughts on what the future of cosmonautics looks like.

The application period starts on April 3, 2023.

All participants need to send their works to the e-mail address konkurs@mospolytech.ru.

The results of the contest will be announced in the end of the “cosmic” month. The assessment procedure and the works will be displayed on the online exhibition platform of the Museum of Cosmonautics and the University.

The most responsible role – assessment of works and calculation of the results – will be given to Alexander Laveikin. The Hero of the Soviet Union, astronaut pilot of USSR, as well as the Museum employees – press secretary Alexandra Orlova, and specialist in keeping records of the exhibit items and expert in cosmism arts Kseniya Ignatova.

For reference: the international creative contest is not held for the first time. In 2022, in the period between March 22 and April 17, young people from Russia, Belarus, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Bulgaria, Turkey, USA, Armenia, India, Azerbaijan created works on subject “Space –so Close and So Far”. In total, more than 130 students from the regions mentioned above. Its history dates back to 1964 when the “Pokoritelyam Kosmosa” monument appeared on the map. Today, the Museum of Cosmonautics is in Top 3 most visited Museums under the Moscow Department of Culture.

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