VI Corporate WorldSkills Championship "Young Professionals of RosCosmos"
The event was opened by Guzel Sharipzyanova, the Vice-President for Academic Affairs of Moscow Poly: “The movement WorldSkills Russia is a valuable tool for the staff preparation in the field of industry. The projects and championships include all fields and age groups, including universities. Moscow Poly has become one of the first universities in Russia, who supported the WorldSkills movement in our country. However, in the same time the WorldSkills Russia movement is not a “professional sport” for Moscow Poly, as it mainly plays the role of integrated approach to education”.
More than 10 representatives of leading industrial corporations, such as “Roscosmos”, AO “RTSK “Progress”, AO “Informatsionnye sputnikovye sistemy”, named after academician M.F. Reshetnev, ANCO “Agenstvo razvitia professionalnogo masterstva” (WorldSkills Russia)”, a consulting agency “Detech”, AO “NPO Lavochkina”, FSAEI HE “Saint Petersburg University of Aerospace instrument engineering” visited the event.
Relevant topics of professional skills, talent pool potential formation, the principles of formation and development prospects of new WorldSkills competences and many others were discussed during the event. Moreover, Ksenia Malykhina, the Head of Professional Competences Development of Moscow Poly, gave a tour on the site of following competences:
“CAD engineering”;
“Mechanical engineer”;
The event was held according to all sanitary and epidemiological norms. All participants and speakers of the event had negative Covid-19 tests.