April 2023

Moscow Poly Announces Admission Campaign Open

Enrollees and their parents can learn anything about the beginning of the admission campaign and admission rules in 2023 during the broadcast of the Open Day event that took place on April 1.

Watch the broadcast in Russian here.

In his interview, the University president Vladimir Miklushevskii shared what the University expects from the admission campaign this year. He talked on the University development tendencies and synthesis of the three strongest forces – engineering, computerization and creative industries. According to him, students and employees are working together on an ambitious goal – making available electric vehicles in Russia.

The key subject was submission of documents that Moscow Poly started accepting since April 1. Presented to the attention of the audience was the video clip with a step-by-step algorithm that says how enrollees should act further , and animation video about the peculiarities of admission in 2023. The University employees will share how to choose the field area and get admitted without the entry examinations.

Find more details on the website.

The employees and students of the Faculty of Information Technologies and AES share what the studies and internship at the faculty look like.

In the end of the broadcast there`ll be an announcement of the lottery that`s going to be held.


The next prize will be drawn among those who submitted the documents in Moscow Poly BEFORE April 25.

By the way, the next Open Day Event will be held in an offline format on April 15. All interested can register for the event here.

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