April 2023

Moscow Poly Touristic Club “Fortis” Participated in TourMarathon

The team of the “Fortis” touristic club that was revived in April 2023 participated in the first large-scale contest – TourMarathon. The team has fully covered a route of 25km, checked in at all check points set by the organization committee. One of the participants has made a 50km-long way.

As a reminder, TourMarathon (touristic marathon) is a series of season 25-, 50-, 75- and sometimes even 100km-long hike starts across the cross-terrain with compass map-reading.

The participation in the TourMarathon allowed the participants to apply their knowledge and abilities that they obtained at lectures and seminars held at “Fortis”, precisely map reading with the help by compass and geography, as well as setting up camps.


According to the participants of the club who are currently 10 people, “With every meeting, there are more of us. There are many plans – till the end of the teem we`ll be preparing for the I category summer mountain trekking. In May, there`ll be seminars and lelctures on rendering first aid and 2 on-site sessions to obtain some skills of using ropes, as well as trainings on the real rock terrain in Dyukinskiy Karyers”, – the guys say.

The meeting of the touristic club take place on Thursdays at 19:30 on Bolshaya Semyonovskaya st., 38. Moscow Poly students and employees are also invited for participation.

One can follow the student touristic club in its official VK community.

Find more details about the “Fortis”club.


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