December 2024

The tendencies and prospects of the society digital transformation were discussed at Moscow Polytech

On December 10 the International Conference “Digital Transformation of the Society: Tendencies and Prospects” was held at Moscow Polytechnic University. More than 40 reports and 60 projects were presented. The Conference is one of the events of VII International Scientific Forum of Faculty Staff and Young Scientists “Digital Technologies: Science, Education, Innovations”.

Scientific and faculty staff of the leading Russian, Byelorussian, Kazakh and foreign universities, the representatives of expert society, students of schools, colleges, university students and young scientists took part in the conference in the mixed format.

Areas of work of the conference: «Digital education, computer linguistics, Artificial Intelligence and information technologies in education”; “Digital Transformation of the Society”.

In the framework of the conference “Digital Transformation of the Society: Tendencies and Prospects” there was held an international competition of scientific and practical works and projects “Digital World”.

The jury particularly noted the work of the first year student of the Faculty of Information Technologies Maxim Oganesyan, who presented a meta-platform aimed at helping the people with disabilities for socialization and integration into the society.

Reference: the organizers and partners of the event: Moscow State Technological University “STANKIN”, “TURAN-ASTANA” University, Tambov State Technical University, Central Scientific-Research Institute of Russian sign language with the support of scientific and methodological journal “Theory and Practice of Project Education”, the universities of Byelorussia.

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