December 2024

The results of a Family Year were summed up at Moscow Polytech

On December 25 at Moscow Polytech, a round table was conducted, dedicated to family values and traditions. The organizers were Psychological Assistance Service, primary Trade Union organization and Project Activity Center. Fifty-seven experts took part in the work of a round table

Thus, Nikolay Nitkin, Chairman of Trade Union Organization of our University, told about social support of families at Moscow Polytech, about health care and development of children.

Lyubov’ Moisseyeva, a member of a Trade Union Committee, shares her reminiscences about her big family, about parents, who raised 11 kids, about friendship, mutual care and support between them up until now. A grandson of Lyubov’ Ivanovna, a first-former Stepan, read a verse of Leonid Guykevich “Family”.

The invited guest, Sergey Lukianov, a psychologist of Family Psychological Assistance Center “New Era”, the author of books on psychology, became one of the speakers. The speaker told how to understand whether you match each other and about the compatibility criteria. After his presentation, students posed questions, which Sergey Lukianov answered and gave recommendations, at which resources (books, movies, sites) one may view the information on how to correctly build a relationship with a partner.

Sergey Lukianov renders informational and methodic support to the working group of the project “Family as a Joint Project”, which curator is Victoria Orlova, a psychologist of Moscow Polytech Psychological Support Service.

The project participants, students Alyona Alekseyeva, Ivan Sokolov and Nurman kyzy Meerym, prepared a report “A Family in Russia- Traditions and New Tendencies”, told about their research work. And the student from Tajikistan, Alijon Ruziyev, in the teleconference mode contacted his mother and she told about their family traditions.

 Julia Karimova, a teacher of the Department “Advertising and Public Relations in Media Industry” and the students Sophia Gotland and Julia Kurenkova told what the image of a family in modern advertising is.

The meeting, according to the audience, turned out to be touching and emotional, it ended with a creative performance; Alijon Ruziyev sang a song of Basta “Sansara”, accompanied by a guitar.

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