April 2023

Moscow Poly Students Offered Corporate Values for University

At an off-premise session at Moscow Poly educational, cultural and sports center “Polet”, the University students dived into the atmosphere of the corporate culture and added their ideas on what values should be peculiar of Moscow Poly team.

Volunteers, student activists residing at the University dormitories participated in the event. The head of Moscow Poly HR service Igor Zagretskiy shared with those present that corporate values are important, generally accepted and shared by the employees opinions and principles. After that, Igor helped students form a list of “Corporate Values Through Students` Eyes”.

Most frequently, students emphasized such qualities as responsibility, effectiveness, openness, team work, interest in the job and etc.

“The event turned out to be really interesting, diverse”, – Igor Zagretskiy shares – “The guys paid attention to such aspects of the corporate culture as inter-department interaction, openness and mutual help. Each of the students demonstrated the desire to cooperate and personal involvement to the University development. That means that the first step towards building corporate culture has already been made.”

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