April 2023

Moscow Poly Students and Employees Learnt About Addiction Prevention

Moscow Poly held a meeting entitled “Make the Right Choice” devoted to prevention of addition to psycho-active. Clinical psychologist, representative of Moscow scientific-practicalnarcology center Andrei Motkov delivered his speech before the students employees. The meeting was held in a mixed format and gather the total of 150 participants.

The discussion of how a person can invisibly fall prisoner to psychotropic substances was frank and challenging. The speaker talked about the chronic nature of this disease, on physiological, psychological and social consequences. He also said that due to his practice in rehabilitation he constantly sees how it destroys both of addicts` lives or the lives of those who were subjected to some kind of non-chemical addiction, but also their relatives and close ones who become “co-addicted”.

At the event, the audience learnt what addicted behavior looks like, what kinds of addiction and what their markers, dynamics, consequences are. They also found out about the death toll numbers and ways of fighting addiction. According to the participants, they were most shook by the fact that only 2% of addicts recover.

Also, Andrei Motkov introduced those present with the relevant statistics on using psychotropic substances by young people in Russia and abroad.

The faculty of information technologies student Victoria Smolskaya talked in detail and emotionally on how the gadget and game addiction (ludomania) is formed. Together with Ivan Saichkin, she prepared a detailed presentation on this topic.

After the speakers` performances were over, the audience received a chance to ask Moscow Poly psychological service officer Andrei Motkov any questions that they were interested in.

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