November 2022

Students of Moscow Poly and Russian House in Damask Learnt ‘Interesting Facts about Russia’

Moscow Poly held an educational campaign entitled ‘Interesting Facts about Russia’ where the international and Russian students of the University got familiar with peculiarities of the country where they study. In addition to that, Russian-speaking students and graduates of the Damask Universities (Syria) attended the lecture.

Moscow Poly worker Pavel Kotik responsible for the patriotic upbringing took up the role of the speaker. The lecturer shared many exciting details from different spheres of life in Russia.

“Every people has their unique historical, geographic, as well as political and cultural peculiarities and mentality. Russia, for instance, is the biggest country in the world which is two times bigger than the 2nd biggest country in the world – Canada”, – speaker noted.

The participants of the meeting discussed the unique aspects of the trans-Siberian railway that is the longest railway in the world (approximately 10,000km); the depth (over 100m) of some of the St. Petersburg metro stations; Suzdal, the city of 53 cathedrals, with the population of only 10,000 people, and much more.

Special attention has been given by the speaker to comparing the Russian serfdom and slavery that existed in other countries, as well as the issue of gender equality at elections. For example, women on the territory of Russia received the elective right in 1917, and only 3 years later was a similar law made in the USA.

Students demonstrated a great interest for the new facts that they discovered for themselves about Russia. To conclude the meeting, the University international students shared their impressions about the country, saying why they chose Russia for their studies and what they like about here.

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