January 2025

STC “Optoelectronics”: Micromechanics, Sensorics, Instrument Engineering, Projects with Industry

The Year 2024 became iconic for the development of a scientific and technical center “Optoelectronics”. The center specialists successfully worked at breakthrough projects in such high technology areas as optoelectronics, micromechanics, sensorics and instrument engineering, as well actively developed cooperation with domestic and foreign strategic partners.

STC “Optoelectronics” achieved considerable success in the area of research works and developments of new systems and devices in perspective subject areas. This is also the system of driver assist ADAS in terms of search of optimal solutions of the operation of multi-mode TV sensors and optoelectronic systems, application of which is planned to adapt for implementation of control over security of works at automated production lines and electronic suppression of all types of UAVs (drones), as well as the development of a complex for shredding paper.

All this allowed attracting attention of industrial partners and customers to R&D competencies of the center and creating the basis for working over joint projects in the future. It is planned to focus the projects at the increase of the competitiveness of domestic products.

By the way, over the past two years, at the request of industrial partners, such as JSC “Concern Morinformsystema Agat”, JSC “SPC “SPP”, JSC “CSRI “Cyclon”, LLC “Fertransport”, LLC “MDK Electronica”, the employees of the center implemented the projects worth a total of over 280 million rubles.

In 2024, the material and technical base of the center also noticeably strengthened, the laboratories were modernized and new equipment purchased. This made possible to speed up considerably the processes of development and testing new products. Today, scientific and technical center “Optoelectronics” has modern analytical, measuring and technological equipment allowing implementing manual, semi-automatic and automated installation of SMD components, conducting technical control of products, setup and testing of supplied electronic units (systems), providing scientific support, increasing the degree of reliability of products.

“Such a breakthrough in terms of updating the material base of the center laboratories has become real due to the participation of Moscow Polytech in the program “Priority 2030”, the enthusiasm of our highly qualified specialists, engineers and designers, who work daily at the creation of advanced solutions, as well as the belief of Rector Vladimir Vladimirovich Miklushevskii in the new team. Today, we demonstrated the key areas of our work and technological abilities, which allow us solving the tasks of the new generation and introducing them in real production. We are confident in the future and are aimed at continuation of active development in 2025. The main areas of work will become in-depth work over innovative solutions in the sphere of the creation of optoelectronic systems, expansion of horizontal cooperation with other scientific centers and intensification of work on introducing the developments into industry. In addition, the emphasis will be on the participation in national and international projects, which will make possible to strengthen the position of the center at the global arena,” - notes Head of STC “Optoelectronics” Vladimir Nikolayev.

For more information and discussion of possible areas of cooperation, please contact the management team of the STC via the following phone number: +7 (924) 739 7000 or via e-mail:

Contact person: Vladimir Konstantinovich Nikolayev

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