Seemed like I Had No Time: International Student on How to Combine Work, Education and Hobbies

3-year student fr om Uzbekistan Rodion Sabirov shared why he applied to Moscow Polytech and actively engages in extracurricular activity.

Where are you from?
I was born in Uzbekistan, completed the 1st grade there in a Russian school. Then, my family moved to Russia. Here, I graduated from school and applied to Ivanteevka affiliation afterwards, graduated in “Economics and Accounting”. Now I`m here.
Why did you choose this specialization?
Currently, I`m studying "Information Systems and Media Industry and Design”. When I graduated from “Economics and Accounting” I wanted to expand my knowledge. I wanted to develop and design websites for companies. Besides, Moscow Polytech provides a huge number of opportunities to polish one`s knowledge by taking further professional training. This way I received a diplomas in digital projects management and graphic design.
Why did you decide to continue education at the head university?
I often visited. Met a lot of guys, activists, I was choosing between three universities and the key factor was that I had already studied at Moscow Polytech. Everything was familiar and felt like home. Besides, they have a credits recognition system here, so I didn`t have to pass some disciplines for the second time. And I was really attracted by extracurricular activity.
Do you participate in extracurricular activity?
Yes, I went for social field starting from the first year of studies. I was appointed as the head of committee for education quality. We`re analyzing the educational services renderred. Examinations are followed by surveys that help identify the drawbacks of the process. All our reports and analytical documentation are submitted to the vice-president for academic affairs. Thus, we`re trying to make the process of education easier and more comfortable for students.
Also, we accept complaints from students. We structure them and inform the university administration.
But that`s not everything that I do. I`m also a deputy head of the United Student Council. There we engage into development of student life, holding university events. Personally I`m responsible for interaction with international students and the university affiliations.
How do you develop the international community of the university?
The work focuses now on reorganization of the International Club. The main problem is that due to their inability to speak Russian international students can`t be fully engaged into the academic activity of the university. That`s why our Club is holding meetings specially for international students. The guys are very active and they do want to participate in the university life.
In the framework of project activity we hold various events for students and work on attracting more participants.
We have several directions. One of them is making the adaptation easier for foreigners. We visit various museums and hold tours so that students could learn more about Russian culture and history.
Also, twice a month we hold meetings of the Speaking Club which will be beneficial both for international and Russian students. The participants can improve their speaking skills, make new acquaintances and find out about the traditions of other countries. We have recently had Lunar New Year, and our Chinese students shared a lot about the national traditions of the holiday and its history.

What problem do international students have?
The majority finds it difficult to navigate around the university since it has many buildings. We`re currently working on a telegram bot that thanks to 3D knowledge model will be able to offer a route around the university facilities.
There are many things you`re working on now. Wh ere does this desire to be an activist come from?
I just realized that combining work, studies and hobbies is real. But education comes first anyway. Honestly, at first I thought that I am totally out of times for myself but later I came down on me that extracurricular activity is my life. I like talking to people, coordinate processes and take on the responsibility.
What advice would you give to students who`ve just come to Russia?
To not to be afraid of living through all emotions that may come up in the beginning. If you feel like crying – cry, [if you feel like] laughing – laugh. Try to communicate with people more and find someone who you`ll walk this way with you.