Representatives of Tajikistan Embassy Hold Meeting with Moscow Polytech International Students

The Moscow Polytechnic University hosted a meeting for foreign students from Tajikistan. Students met with representatives of Tajikistan embassy. Fathullobek Aslamov, Second Secretary of the Embassy, and Suhrob Abdulloev, Attaché for Education and Culture, came to talk to the students. Two hundred and thirty five citizens of Tajikistan study at Moscow Polytech.
Representatives of the Embassy told the students about important aspects of staying in the Russian Federation. They discussed academic performance issues, rules of behaviour, Russian laws and issues related to security and rights of foreign citizens. Representatives of the Embassy gave answers to relevant questions concerning Russian migration legislation, adaptation of foreign citizens in Russian society and the struggle against extremism and terrorism. Embassy Representatives encouraged students to participate in events that promote cultural exchange and mutual understanding, devote time to studying modern professions, foreign languages and science.
Such meetings are held traditionally and contribute to successful adaptation of foreign students in the Russian Federation.