A project by the Career Center under Moscow Polytech has been ranked the best career event for youth in the framework of the contest for discovering the best employment strategies for young specialists in Moscow.
The Center for Career and Employment with its project called “Career Marathon by Moscow Polytech” became the award laureate of the “VRabote” project in the “Best Career Event for Youth” nomination.
“I`d like to express gratitude to the ‘VRabote’ project for such a high assessment of the event, as well as the administration of the University for providing an opportunity to hold such large-scale student events”, – shared the head of the Center for Career and Employment under Moscow Polytech.
The “VRabote” award aims at discovering the most successful career practices in the sphere of employment of young people. This, for instance, is establishing and implementing the career student projects and events, functioning of university career centers, as well as internship programs. Career practices that deserve attention are also provided by the employers including government institutions.
For reference: the “VRabote” project is implemented by the office “Moscow Youth” under the Committee for Public Relations and Youth Policy.
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