“Priority 2030”: the project of Moscow Polytech to help doctors more accurately diagnose diseases

A new technology that will increase the accuracy of medical diagnostics and will help doctors to choose individual treatment is being created at Moscow Polytech. The development will allow detecting diseases at earlier stages and monitoring the efficiency of therapy, taking into account the peculiarities of an organism of every patient.
The project that received the support in the framework of the third grant competition named after P.L.Kapitsa, is aimed at the creation of modern diagnostics systems for personalized medicine. This new technology will help doctors more quickly and accurately determine the presence of diseases, as well as to assess how effective is the prescribed treatment.
“Application of such technologies in personalized medicine is very important as every person requires individual approach to treatment, - tells Mikhail Karbyshev. – The systems being developed make it possible to timely detect diseases and to control the efficiency of a therapy. This improves prognoses for expensive treatment and helps to rationally apply the existing schemes, what as the result improves quality of life of a specific patient”.
In the framework of grant funding, the researchers have already studied successful examples of applying such technologies for diagnostics of oncological and infectious diseases. Based on the obtained data the development of new diagnostic systems prototypes is underway.
The development also has the educational meaning – the students of Moscow Polytech study it in the framework of the discipline “Project Activity”. Future technologists, engineers, bio-technologists and designers familiarize themselves with the foundations of Theranostics - the area combining therapy and diagnostics.
In the basis of a new technology lies application of biosensors – the appliances, determining the presence of various molecules in biological samples. Such systems are already applied in medicine as test –stripes, biochips and glucose meters. The new development will considerably increase their efficiency on account of usage of recombinant antibodies and antibody-like molecules.
The project is multidisciplinary and is based on the achievements from various spheres of science – biochemistry, immunology, physics and engineering. This allows creating original systems based on immune-chemical detection, capable of detecting biomolecules, related to emerging and development of various diseases.
Apart from medical application, the technologies, being developed, may be applied in environmental monitoring and for reducing the carbon footprint. Based on the results of implementing the grant work it is planned to further develop national biosensor technologies with their further inculcation into practical medicine.
Reference: The grant competition named after P.L.Kapitsa is conducted in the framework of the implementation of the Federal Program of Strategic Academic Leadership “Priority 2030”. In this program, Moscow Polytech takes part with the project “Affordable Electric Vehicle”. A Candidate of Biological Sciences Mikhail Karbyshev heads the research work. He has more than 25 scientific publications to his credit, six of which were published in the leading international journals for the first quartile. The scientist is an author of eight applications for inventions in the sphere of diagnostic systems. At present, he is working on his doctoral thesis on the specialties “Biochemistry” and “Oncology, radiation therapy”.
Photo: Mikhail Karbyshev (to the left) and a group of students, the discipline “Project Activity”. Competitions, grants, Olympiads