Priority 2030: Student Teams to Present Their Projects in ‘Science’ Field Area
On 19 December, Moscow Poly Tochka Kipeniya will hold an open student conference where young scholars from the University – postdoctoral students who received fundings in the course of ‘Priority 2030’ grant program n.a. P.L. Kapitsa, the as well as student teams leaded by them [post doctoral students] are to defend their projects.
The conference is to take place on 19 December from 14:00 – 14: 00 at the main academic block on Bolshaya Semyonovskaya st., 38, office “A-100”.
Experts are to evaluate the projects presentation and give summarizing remarks regarding the students` work in the course of the term. In total, 11 team projects are to be presented. These projects were carried out under the guidance of Moscow Poly post doctoral students. Before the project presentation, students has to pass 3 rounds of attestation.
As a reminder, 11 post doctoral students – candidates and doctors of science having PhD were admitted to the University in September 2022 as a result of the contest. One of the requirements was the research topic that would correlate with the priority areas of the University and the country, such as available electric car, material science, hydrogen power engineering and others.
According to the vice-president for scientific affairs Anton Nalivaiko, the post-doctoral students were faced with the task to develop at Moscow Poly a specific scientific field area, create their own scientific group and preferable – school. Working with the student team on the project is the beginning for turning this plan into the reality.
Among the guests and experts of the conference were the vice-president for scientific affairs Anton Nalivaiko; ‘Technet’ market scientific-research center expert, specialist in ‘Technet New Manufacturing Technology’ end-to-end technologies Alexander Korznikov; ‘Technet’ and ‘Autonet’ scientific-research centers expert Pavel Tarasov; deputy head of the Center for Project Activity, the “Kruzhok movement” and “Edunet” scientific-research centers expert Marianna Osminova, the head of the department of youth programs and projects, leader of the Entrepreneurship Tochka Kipeniya.