December 2024

“Priority 2030”: President of Moscow Polytech presented the concept of educating students in the interests of industry

II International Forum AUTONET “Development of Electric Transport in Russia – Fr om a Concept to Technological Sovereignty”. The representatives of educating sphere, Minpromtorg and Industry – the companies “Avtotor Holding”, “Concordia», «Zvezda «and others participate in the event.

President of Moscow Polytech Vladimir Miklushevskii in his speech at the plenary session noted that now it the time, when it is necessary to use new opportunities, having emerged in connection with sanctions: 

“The Government is aiming us at this as much as possible. When the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation announced the competition “Priority 2030”, Moscow Polytech won it with the project “Affordable Vehicle”. Under the program we have received a lot of federal support while rigging with the equipment those structural departments that are engaged in the project implementation”.

President noted that Moscow Polytech in its strategy of development on the one hand, it relies on a return to the roots, as a part of the universities incorporated in the University in 2006, were made up in accordance with the model “Factory – Technical College”. On the other hand, as a basis the experience of the universities is taken, wh ere educational process is built based on the partner enterprises.

“The last few years our work is dedicated to the realization of the concept, the essence of which is in the fact that in order the students’ education is based on real engineering and scientific research works in topical interests of industry. Inside the University our own design bureau is established, where the experienced engineers, designers and technologists work. Under such a scheme, we cooperate with “Avtotor”. Specialists implement their work for industry, and students learn at real examples. Currently our goal is to actively develop the Design Bureau, which is for 17 years already dealing with electric vehicle manufacturing at Moscow Polytech”, - declared Vladimir Miklushevskii.

Until 2030, the Design Bureau plans to develop a line of electric vehicles, including the models of L7 and M1 Categories, unmanned transportation platforms, electrified road and utility equipment. Among the project partners are AVTOTOR, Mercator and other companies.

In addition, Vladimir Miklushevskii presented to the forum participants the model of engineering education, built up today at the University. 

“Our goal is to train personnel for the country at real projects. And we have been starting since high school. The University cooperates with Moscow engineering classes, conducts the university Saturdays and develops Children’s Techno Park. At Moscow Polytech there are many educators from industries, at several faculties their share reaches 50%. At the University has been introduced obligatory Project Activity in three fields: scientific and technical, industrial and entrepreneurship. At the same time, the complexity of projects increases from first year to graduation. Several years ago at the University there was established Advanced Engineering School of Electric Transport – these are already the projects of high level that are performed by undergraduates. For scientific and technical project, industrial partners formulate ToRs. There are entrepreneurial projects, when students themselves put forward a hypothesis that must be realized”.

President also noted that among the tasks of the University is the development and introduction of parts, manufacturing of small batches of articles for industrial partners, conducting tests at special simulators that make it possible to simulate a track in digits and documenting knowledge. Positive practices that are being developed at Advanced Engineering School are scaled to other departments of the University.

One of industrial partners of the University is “Avtotor Holding” Company. Currently this car making company jointly with Moscow Polytech realizes the project on the production of an electric vehicle. 

“Moscow Polytech is not only designs, but also makes the prototypes and tests them. The universal aggregate carrier, created here, allows us conducting road tests of various types of vehicles, changing the load, the engine, battery packs – from a car to a light commercial vehicle. This considerably decreases the development expenses. Why is it so important to establish such competence centers, which exist at Moscow Polytech? This is because in one center there exists an opportunity to concentrate the most clever, experienced persons, to install here expensive equipment. Everything that the Moscow Polytech has at its disposal costs a lot of money. These are machinery equipment, computer and research equipment. The designers and testers are constantly loaded, they acquire experience and further and more they are hoarding it. And correspondingly, the expenses for the development and terms of development considerably reduce”, - noted Alexander Sorokin, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of “Avtotor Holding”.

More than 100 experts participate in the forum. In the program, there are the discussion of the strategy of electric transport development up to the Year 2030, the issues of establishing of the component base, software and charging infrastructure. 

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