April 2023

“Priority 2030”: Electric Vehicle Industry Projects by Moscow Poly Young Scientists

The majority of 15 projects by Moscow Poly young scientists that received funding n.a. V.E. Fortov falls under the electric vehicle industry research category. As a reminder, the contest for scholarship is held under the “Priority 2030” federal program where Moscow Poly participates with its “Available Electric Vehicle” project.

We decided to start a series of publications about the best scientific projects by the young scientists of the University who are to receive financial assistance in the course of the year. As a reminder, the contest is held only for Moscow Poly employees.

Daria Strekalina, candidate of chemical sciences, head of physics department under Moscow Poly

Project – “Research into the Properties of solid materials with a view of obtaining complex configuration parts and search of alternative solutions to be implemented among other things in electric vehicle industry”

“The technology of using hard-facing alloys, say tungsten, in the process of additive printing to create complex configuration details is limited in Russia as it`s pricey and hard”, – Daria says, – “Our project aims at finding the tasks in the sphere of electric vehicle engineering that can be simplified and made cheaper with the help of additive technologies.”

In the framework of the project, the analysis of the electric vehicle systems is planned to be carried out, that would allow to find out where it`s possible to apply complex configuration details with enhanced properties. In particular, some engine components may be substituted for hard-facing alloy details in order to increase the service life and reduce the wear.

After that the scholarship holder will proceed studying the material properties that are essential to solve this issue. Daria Strekalina is assured that more understanding and interaction in the interdisciplinary sphere of metal studies and engineering are to appear in the process of work.

“In the future that will allow to expand the project and direct it into the sphere of electric vehicle industry, and start interaction with industrial partners”, – she says.

Daria has been studying material properties for many years, including creating materials with coating. One of her projects is currently carried out with the fundings granted to Daria by the Russian Scientific Foundation for her studies in the “Research on the Base of Currently Existing Global-Level Scientific Infrastructure” contest. The results gained are planned to be implemented in transportation systems in the Arctic regions. 

Alexander Medvedev, senior lecturer at Center for Project Activity

Project – “Electric Car-bike hybrid for delivery services and rent services”

On the streets of modern big cities, the couriers, delivery men and ordinary citizens are seen using electric personal means of transportation, such as electric bicycles, and electric scooters more and more. They`re valued for the comfort, easy control and availability.

The author of the project is planning to develop an electric 4-wheeled car-biky hybrid vehicle that would have competitive benefits in comparison to the standard electric bicycles and wider feature set.

“I`m sure that the car-bike hybrid will be demanded on the express delivery service market. Couriers are now delivering products in thermal bags. The electric car-bike will draw attention of delivery services as the luggage space will be 3 times more, and carrying capacity – 5 times bigger. Thus, the expenses for one delivery might be reduced by four. Apart from that, the electric car-bike hybrid may be used in rental services – it`ll be more comfortable and convenient than the existing today analogues. For instance, there are 2 mounts envisaged to install a standard bike child chair. In addition, this means of transport will be suitable for those who for medical reasons can`t ride normal bicycles as the load on the joints and muscles when using an electric car-bike will be significantly reduced”, – Alexander Medvedev.

The author is holding plans to develop a 3D model and set of construction documentation of the electric car-bike, as well as think through the solutions by counting motor hours and vehicle support system.

After that, a test prototype will be made that will undergo prototype testing in delivery services or pilot operation by the rental company. There are already arrangement agreements made with the interested companies on holding testing. After that, the benefits and disadvantages of the construction will be identified. If the feedback is positive, it`ll be possible to make a decision on a small-scale production of electric car-bike hybrids.

Marina Koryachko, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, assistant professor at department of physics under Moscow Poly

Project – “Analysis of the Stress-Strain State of the Semi-Conductor Devices Elements Under Electrothermal Exposure”

The young scientist is planning to develop a diagnostics methodology to apply when designing and assessing reliability of semi-conductor devices exposed to electrothermal loads.

The author notes that the operational reliability of the manufacturing equipment is assessed among other things by the stress-strained state of its elements. This approach, for instance, is actively implemented in microelectronic devices. Usually, the finite-elements method is used when calculating the stress-strained states in such heterogeneous systems. However, its application is complicated the fact that semi-conductor elements (metallization systems, mono crystals, contacts, dielectric lining) are quite non-equilibrium systems that can interact with each other at the phase interface. That may activate the inter-circuit connections damage, layering and cracks appear, metallization system degradation speed up. Similar problem exist, too, when it comes to modern photoelectronics.

“Developing methodology to allow assess stress-strained state of semi-conductor device elements will allow to single out structural heterogeneity at phase boundaries, identify foci of mechanical strain concentration for hardware components, as well as understand the reasons of their localization. All that would allow to develop methods of improving degradation resilience and reliability of semi-conductor under electrothermal exposure”, – Marina Koryachko shares.

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