Priority 2030: Moscow Poly Develops New Group of Materials for Hydrogen Power Engineering
Researchers fr om Moscow Poly have put forward an idea to use aluminium-calcium alloys as the basis for developing a new group of high-tech lightweight materials
The Kommersant news agency shares the details.
A group of scientists headed by the candidate of technical sciences Torgom Akopian is engaged in optimization of composition and processing of Al-Ca based aluminium alloys. This project is unique in the world. It`s being carried out with the funds received from the foundation n.a. P.L. Kapitsa within the “Priority 2030” strategic academic leadership project implementation.
The materials gained in the course of studies will be used both in hydrogen power engineering for substitution of heavy steel constructions, and car manufacturing industry wh ere mass remains the key issue.
According to Akopian, calcium (Ca) is the third most widespread metal on Earth (approximately 3,4%) among all metals, preceded only by aluminium and iron. Its density lower than other eutectic-forming elements, especially such as nickel and cerium. According to the previously gained results, eutectic-based Ca-containing aluminium alloys are technological, corrosion resistant and possess high strength-to-density ratio. All of that, at a reasonable net cost.
“In order to solve the tasks set, we use progressive methods of material composition theoretical analysis, such as thermodynamic modelling, accompanied by experimental investigations – X-ray diffraction (studies), electronic microscopy and etc. (We) analyze the material composition structure evolution at various technological stages, and then identify the necessary complex of physical and mechanical properties”, - shared Torgom Akopian.
Aluminium alloys are traditionally divided into casting and wrought alloys. In some instances, the given classification cause some difficulties in term of using them as part of various complex constructions. At the same time, using high-tech alloys that contain the strong sides of the both types would allow to overcome these limitations. Material development will significantly expand the field areas of aluminium alloy implementation acquired by means of both the conventional metallurgic technologies and digital ones.