President of Moscow Polytech discussed with the University activists changes of the trilateral agreement

On December 11, President of Moscow Polytech Vladimir Miklushevskii conducted the meeting with the United Council of students and the student councils of dormitories. The central agenda became the proposal of the University activists on making changes in a trilateral agreement between the University Administration, Trade Union Organization and the student community. The document sets out the rights and obligations, which the University management delegated to students.
Thus, the activists suggested establishing the United Student Council of Dormitories that might be responsible for the development and coordination of the activity of student government bodies at the dormitories. Besides that, the new structure should represent the interests of the residents; analyze their problems, as well carry out educational and cultural work at the dormitories.
Besides that, the participants submitted the proposals on changing of more than ten points of trilateral agreement. For example, to include the student government bodies at the dormitories in the process of inspecting campus facilities, to enhance the quality of informing residents, as well as to improve the work of the University Project Office and much more.
Let us remind you that such meetings of the President of the University with activists is a regular practice. Students of Moscow Polytech actively participate in the work of the University.