June 2023

Moscow Poly President Vladimir Miklushevskii Congratulates University Students and Staff on Day of Russia

“Dear Friends, I`d like to congratulate you on the Russia Day!

12 June is a national holiday that is of great importance for our country. It reminds us about our origins, priceless cultural and spiritual heritage that has united our Motherland for centuries.

We`re proud of Russia, its long-century history and cultural traditions. Hold sacred the deeds of our ancestors, who have repeatedly protected the freedom and independence of our Motherland. Thanks to their noble labour and self-sacrificing, our fathers and grand-farthers have built a great power. Today, our duty is to multiply this great heritage, moral and creative potential of our homeland.

Moscow Poly has been working on developing science and education. We understand that the future of Russia is in our students` hands. The University students and employees are doing their best to provide every student with an opportunity to uncover their talent and achieve success in their professional activity.

With our shared efforts, we`re contributing to the prosperity of our great nation.

I wish you wellness, health and success in all endeavors!”.

Vladimir Miklushevskii

Moscow Poly president

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