December 2020

"PIK" nominees

Moscow Poly held the first expert council meeting on annual award “Pik” and the nominees were selected according to its results.

Person of the Year in scientific activity:
     Artyom Rubtsov;
     Anastasia Samoilova;
     Daria Tihonova.

Person of the Year in sports activity:
    Daria Semykina;
    Artur Isaev;
    Olga Sergeeva.

Person of the Year in public activity:
    Svetlana Buntseva;
    Victoria Karacharskova;
    Polina Moskvitina.

Person of the Year in creative activity:
    Anna Egorova;
    Valeria Koroleva;
    Ekaterina Tatarinova.

Best research team:
    CAD-development Center.

Best sports team:
    Woman mini-football team MosPolitech;
    Moscow Poly powerlifting team;

Best public activity team:
    Moscow Poly primary trade union organization of employees and students;
    Ryazan Polytech Star team;
    Cheboksary Polytech student council.

Best creative team:
    Moscow Poly creative workshop;
    Free Dance Family;
    Moscow Poly vocal ensemble.

Victory of the Year:
    Victoria Chaplygina (400.000 ruble grant from All-Russian youth projects competition among physical entities in the terms of youth educational forum “National league of student clubs”);
    EMP Moscow (World`s speed record  210,5 kph in the terms of “Baikal mile” festival, set by electrocycle MIG R, built by EMP Moscow team. This motorcycle became the fastest drag bike in Russia);
    CAD-development Center (3.000$ grant from ForgeResearch Autodesk for group project development in the terms of product`s IETM).

Event of the Year:
    Creative festival “First-year” (“Moscow Poly creative workshop”);
    Volunteer School ( Moscow Poly Volunteer Center);
    Adaptive course 2020 in online-format (Moscow Poly curators).

Start of the Year:
    Polytech Karting Team;
    Moscow Poly vocal ensemble;
    Ekaterina Proskura.

During the 2nd stage the expert council will determine winners and laureates. The solemn ceremony takes place 24 December.

Congratulations to nominees!

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