June 2024

Participants of Reciting Contest for International Citizens “Russia, My Soul” Get Acquainted with Russian Culture

The participants of reciting contest for international citizens “Russia, My Soul” visited an interactive seminar and unique quiz “Soul-Touching Russia Poets and Writers” held under assistance of foundation “Russkiy Mir” (“Russian World”). The winners received memorable souvenirs from Moscow Polytech.

According to organization committee, the guys were happy to enrich their worldview and learn new things about our country. Thus, during the seminar international seminars learnt a lot of new things about the Russian literary writers. For example, that fact the A. Pushkin wrote his first poems in French, and Friedrich Nietzsche called a psychologist worth learning from. 


During the quiz, the guys managed to apply their knowledge received and successfully answer the offered questions. The most intelligent participants received prizes from the University. 

“I was happy to learn much interesting about the lives and creativity of the great writers, for example, that Chekhov`s works are staged as often as Shakespeare`s”, shared his impressions Alsiyar Shikhbuldin Nadji Amhimmid (Lybia).


After the excursion, the participants of the contest took a tour to the Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin Museum and the House of Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov. The participants of were offered to visit the landmarks, learn more about the lifestyle and, of course, creative work of the famous writers. 

“I was happy to get so much interesting information at the interactive seminar, and then enrich the gained knowledge during the excursion”, says Bakpe Subaru (Benin).


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