Over 100 people Discussed Issues in Ecology and Economics at Conference at Moscow Poly
International scientific and practical conference entitled “Ecological Problems and Prospects of Global and National Economy Development” took place on 25 May at the Moscow Poly faculty of ‘Economics and Management’. Over 100 specialists from Russia, CIS and non-CIS countries – Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Bulgaria, Vietnam, China, Cuba, Brazil, Mongolia, Great Britain, Morocco and Italy – have participate in the Forum.
The Conference was aimed at providing scientific and practical achievements in the sphere of economic prospects for building the future economy, finding common research areas and attracting young people to explore science within ‘Priority 2030’ implementation of strategic academic leadership program.
The recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize within the UN group for climate change, director at the Center for Energy Efficiency XXI century, Igor Bashmakov talked on problems and prospects of global economy de-carbonization, influence of the anthropogenic factor on climate change.
The president at Green Building Council RUGB, Gai Imz; professor at the Tashkent State Transport University, Yusufjan Shadimetov; and recipient of the Russian Federarion Government prize in the sphere of educational sphere, head of Moscow Poly department of “Technical System Environmental Security”, Marina Grafkina presented their reports.
Russian and foreign participants discussed digital tendencies in business-solutions management, socio-economic issues in “green economy”, environmental aspects in advertising and social communications, natural and manmade disaster environmental aftermath and a lot more. As a result of the session performance, a scientific-research work contest was held and a collection of articles will be published in the RISC database.