October 2022

Open Day Event: Moscow Poly to Tell about Extramural Form of Study

Moscow Poly is to hold an online Open Day event on October 8 at 13:00. The broadcast will be devoted to extramural studies at the University.

In the beginning of the broadcast the audience will be greeted by a student who got admitted to Moscow Poly extramural program, and hear some other University news.

After that, admission campaign officers will single out the key aspects to apply to the extramural form of study in this academic year.

Extramural students will share how they combine their studies and work and why it`s the extramural studies they chose after all.

That will be followed by a live broadcast with the head of ‘Poligraph’ school of arts Nina Polyuga. Nina will talk on what creative skills the School will help to upgrade and how classes will help enrollees prepare for admission to the University for humanitarian and art disciplines.

Those attending will also get a chance to meet one of the University industrial partners that will share the experience of cooperation with Moscow Poly and its students.

Moreover, as per tradition, the hosts will give away prizes for the most active participants and announce a new contest for the audience.

The Open Day broadcast will be followed by sessions where the participants will be able to talk to the representatives of the University admission campaign, faculties and institutes and get to ask them any questions related to studies and specific disciplines.


As a reminder, the live broadcast will be held on Moscow YouTube channel on October 8. The registration is required.

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