August 2023
Moscow Poly Enlisted in TOP-3 Moscow Universities in State-Funded Admission
As a result of the admission campaign 2023/24 Moscow Poly became the third place among the most popular universities when it comes to state-funded bachelor and specialist degree programs. The data was provided by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
According to RT, the first and second places went to MIREA and MPEI accordingly. With an indicator of over 60 thousand applications for state-funded places, Moscow Poly became the third one.
Down the list there is Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, MPGU and Financial University under the President of the Russian Federation.
TOP-10 is closed by People`s Friendship University of Russia, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy and MSUT “Stankin”.
As a reminder, admission for contract (paid) form of tuition to Moscow Poly closes on August 20.
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