July 2023

Moscow Poly Presented MIG R2 at VK Fest

Moscow Poly presented the MIG R2 electric bike at the national project stand at VK Fest. The event took place on July 15 and 16 at Gorky Park.

The University is a participant on the “Priority 2030” project in the field “Science and Universities” and has been implementing projects in the strategic area – “Available Vehicle”.

To assemble the MIG R2 electric bike, the University engineers used 3D printing technologies and when making functional details – battery mounts and charging port of the bike.

Thanks to the telemetry system, one can watch the bike remotely, adjust its position and speed, and battery power. Among the distinctive features, there is also a composite body kit from fiber (carbon) and tyres with titanium spikes produced in-house.

A team of 20 people was working on the bike, 2/3 of them are Moscow Poly students. In 2022, MIG R2 took part in the “Baikal Mile” contest.

For reference: “Priority 2030” is a government program that aims at increasing the competitiveness of Russia in the sphere of education, science and technology. The programs was launched on June 24, 2021, the estimated period of program realization is 10 years. In 2021, Moscow Poly has presented the “Available Vehicle” strategic project and received funding for development in the amount of 100 million rubles. The University has successfully defended the results of the work over 2022, thanks to that it received a special part of the funding in the “Territorial and/ or Industry-Specific Leadiship”. The funding aims at building a talent pool strengthening scientific potential, creating technologies and science-intensive products, as well as integration into the real sector of economy.

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