November 2024

Moscow Polytechnic University Becomes a Host Site for a Quiz on Nuclear Power Engineering

On World Science Day, November 10th, the Rosatom State Corporation traditionally held the International Global Atomic Quiz 2024, this year at Moscow Polytechnic University. Nearly 200 Russian and foreign students from capital universities had the opportunity not only to test their knowledge about peaceful atom and win prizes but also to discover various applications of atomic technologies: from spacecraft to high-tech agriculture.

The test authors divided the questions into five thematic directions representing key industry achievements: Green Energy, Medicine, Science, Transportation and Agriculture. Students had to answer 25 questions in 50 minutes. In case of equal scores, writing speed was the priority.


"Dear friends, I am very glad to see you at Moscow Polytech at the event dedicated to the World Science Day. It is a great thing you decided to come and demonstrate your knowledge. We thank Rosatom State Corporation for educational projects that contribute to the popularization of science and are especially pleased to be co-organizers of the event today," said Yulia Davydova, Vice-Rector for International Affairs.

During the event students from different Moscow universities not only participated in the educational project but also became friends with each other. According to their words, the event was very informative for them. The most knowledgeable ones were awarded commemorative prizes from Moscow Polytechnic University and the Rosatom State Corporation.


"I saw an invitation to a quiz on the social media of Moscow Polytech, and immediately registered. I prepared for the event by researching online. It turned out to be a very interesting quiz with unusual questions. I learned a lot about nuclear energy. Many thanks to the organizers!" - says Egor Sakharov, a first-year student at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.


Reference information: The Global Atomic Quiz is an international educational project by the Rosatom State Corporation, that explains the basics of nuclear physics, emphasizes the importance of atomic technologies in everyday life and the role of atomic energy in preserving our planet. The project has been conducted since 2020 in 13 languages, attracting the attention of over 65,000 enthusiasts from more than 100 countries. In 2023, the project became the winner of the IX All-Russian Award "For Loyalty to Science" in the category "Science for the World."

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