June 2024

Moscow Polytech Welcomes Alisher Navoi Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature

Representatives of Alisher Navoi Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature visited Moscow Polytech to host a lecture entitled: “Revision of Russian Lexis and Grammar: Declension of Nouns and Verb Conjugation”


The senior lecturers at Alisher Navoi Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature Zulkhumar O. Zhumanova, Nilufar P. Dustmamanova and Sayora S. Ibragimovatook up the role of speakers during the event.

According to the speakers, in the course of the event, students had an opportunity to solidify their knowledge and figure out the difficult nuances of declension and conjugation as the knowledge of grammar is one of the most important aspects when learning languages.

“For me, it was very interesting to visit the lecture as the teachers demonstrated a high level of professionalism and devotion to their profession. Thanks to similar lectures, we`ll be able to learn more about the grammar and improve our skills of the great Russian language!” shares a preparatory department student Chakir Jamile.

The guests fr om Uzbekistan continued their visit by meeting the vice-president for international affairs Yulia Davydova and the head of department for international integration and work with foreign students (WFS) Alina Andrukh, wh ere they discussed the relevant practices of teaching Russian as a foreign language, as well as the prospects for academic exchange and hosting joint conferences. 


“We would like to express our gratitude to the guests for their visit that helped students both to improve their knowledge and inspire to further study Russian, but also contributed to strengthening friendly relations between the two universities”, shared Moscow Polytech representatives.

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