July 2024

Moscow Polytech to Participate in International Conference in Robotics and AI in China

In the period between 4 to 8 July 4, 2024 Moscow Polytech is going to visit Mianyang (People`s Republic of China) to participate in III International Conference in Robotics, AI and Intelligent Control 2024 (RAIIC-2024). The delegation will be headed by the AES director Pablo Iturralde and vice-president for the international affairs Yulia Davydova.

The RAIIC-2024 conference will become a venue for the presentation of results and discussion of new tasks in robotics, AI and intelligent control. The event is going to unite experts, scientists, researchers and practicing specialists from around the world to exchange their expertise and research results, as well as to discuss relevant topics in these spheres. 

Roman Zimov, the lead engineer at Center for Engineering Development under AES for Electric Transport will deliver a report “Creating Sports Car Hybrid Power Unit”. The report will cover the issues of using hybrid power units in prestigious racing contests, balance between the mass and power, regenerative braking , as well as strategies for using hybrid components and comparison of hybrid parameters to the classic power-engine cars.


Timofei Kuzma, the engineer at AES Center for Reverse Engineering will deliver a report “Components and Logic of Operating Hybrid Sports Car”. He will talk about setting the requirements for the power unit components, analysis and selection of components based on experience of world`s racing series, as well as the logics of operating IC engine and electric drive depending on the chosen operation strategy.


Participation of Moscow Polytech delegation in RAIIC-2024 opens up new opportunities to expand international cooperation and exchange of expertise with the leading experts in robotics, AI and intellectual control. This will allow the University to strengthen its positions on the educational market, arrange new partnerships and receive access to the advanced research and elaborations in these areas, which, in it`s turn, will contribute to further development of scientific-research activity at Moscow Polytech and implementation of innovative projects in electric transport, robotics and AI.  

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