January 2023

Moscow Polytech Scientists Develop Unmanned Vehicles and Solve Issues of Sustainable Development in Transport Industry

Sergey S. Shadrin, doctor of technical sciences, expert at Infrastructure Center of the National Technological Initiative (NTI) “Autonet” at Moscow Polytech, potential research supervisor in the framework of the International Olympiad “Open Doors” of the Association “Global Universities”.

Sergey Shadrin belongs to those scientists who are involved in the development of technologies in the field of vehicle operation, including unmanned vehicles. In his conversation with TASS, Sergey called the development of unmanned vehicles one of the future trends in the automotive industry, which is related to autonomous driving technologies in cargo transportation. In his opinion, one of the most expected trends is the further development of V2X technology (vehicle-to-everything), AI and the Internet of Things, cybersecurity and big data analysis services, as well as “search and testing of commercially viable applications” for unmanned vehicles. The relevance is determined by the fact that the respected solutions aim to ensure the safety of autonomous vehicles. In addition, Russia will increase its independence in the field of unmanned technologies for ground vehicles and solve the problems of import phase-out issues related to the imported soft- and hardware components. All of that requires new knowledge and technological solutions. The process of searching for these is what poses big interest for Sergey.

The key area of Sergey`s scientific interests is automated operation systems, highly automated and unmanned vehicles, as well as methods of increasing reliability and safety. Sergey Shadrin actively cooperates with clients, jointly addressing sustainable development issues of the industry and facing challenges, including requirements for saving time along the traffic route, energy efficiency, safety, as well as increased reliability and improved productivity.

Special attention is given to the legal regulation that has become “overly complex and requires excessive effort both fr om the government and autonomous transport developers. During tests, we could use the practice of issuing special license plates by the respective State Road Traffic Safety Authority Department”, noted Sergey at the NTI “Autonet” venue.

He also discussed this topic in the course of the technology session “Legal and Regulatory framework for Implementation of Autonomous Vehicle Technologies”, wh ere he shared nuances related to the certification process and operation of an unmanned truck in Russia on highways.

Sergey`s research profile (portfolio) within the framework of the International Olympiad “Open Doors” also includes educational programs related to “Vehicle Operation Engineering” and “Land Transport and Technological Means and Complexes”, which demonstrates the depth of the scientist`s interest in the research of unmanned passenger cars, trucks, as well as operation complexes. You can find out more about the research topics offered to applicants by Sergey`s team in his scientific profile. Check out the “Open Doors” page of Moscow Polytech to learn more about the International Olympiad of the Association of “Global Universities”. 

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