January 2025

Moscow Polytech's students distinguished themselves at the 3D modeling hackathon “SAPRathon”

Students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Moscow Polytech were awarded a prize in the nomination “Choice of Industrial Partner” and entered the TOP-5 of the team competition based on the results of the Hackathon “SAPRathon”. This is the first Hackathon organized by the company “Top Systems”, the developer of the Russian PLM-system

The competition was held between 13 teams of the leading national engineering universities: Moscow Polytech, NRU MEPHI, MGTU Stankin, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MAI and MADI. Three student teams, formed from freshmen and graduate students, represented our university, including Master’s degree students in “Additive Technologies” and “Machines and Technologies of Pressure Treatment of Materials”.

The “SAPRathon” participants completed a competitive task on modeling an assembly unit using a native system of computer –aided design system T-FLEX CAD.

Krasnogorsk Plant named after S.A.Zverev (PJSC NKMZ) of “Schwabe” Holding of Rostec State Corporation became an industrial partner of the competition. This is one of the leading enterprises in Russia in the sphere of optical and optoelectronic instrumentation.

The prize in the nomination “Choice of Industrial Partner” was received by one of the Moscow Polytech’s teams, which included Irina Bulich, Elena Cherevkova and Daniil Shevchenko.

A Hackathon organizer web –site photo

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