December 2023

Moscow Polytech Receives Special Funding under “Priority 2030”

In 2024, 42 universities from 16 regions of Russia are to become the recipients of the special (enhanced) part of the funding. In addition to the basic part of the grant, they will received additional funding in the amount of 13,98 billion rubles.

«The Comission nder the Ministry of Education doesn`t just assess the previous achievements but rather the dynamics of dynamics of changes that take place at the universities in all key areas of their activity – starting from working with enrollees and coming to interaction with partners. As a result of work in 2023, we can see that the program serves its purpose, which is to stimulate the universities to develop», – said the head of the Russian Ministry of Education Valery Falkov.

As a reminder, on December 2, Moscow Polytech representatives summarized the works results for all projects implemented in the framework of implementing the project for strategic academic leadership – Priority 2023, and presented them to the Council under the track for the regional and/ or industry-specific leadership.

For reference: «Priority 2030» is the most large-scale in the Russian history government program of supporting the universities. The program aims at improving the competitiveness of Russia in the sphere of education, science and technologies. The Program was launched on June 24, 2021 with the expected duration of 10 years.

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