June 2024

Moscow Polytech Holds Conference in International Dialogue and Cultural Traditions of Hospitality

On May 27, Moscow Polytech held an International Scientific-Practical Conference “Civilization Identity in International Dialogue and Cultural Tradition of Hospitality”.


Hospitality is one of the fundamental notions of human civilization with its principles underlying in all relations not only between people but also cultures. Each of them has its unique national-and-cultural code expressed by traditions, values, arts, gastronomy and crafts.

In the course of the Conference, the following sections were held:

  • International expertise in the sphere of gastronomy tourism and prospects of developing gastronomy tourism in Russia
  • Educational and industrial tourism as means of patriotic upbringing of the youth
  • Food code as a means of expanding tourism area
  • National gastronomy as a modern industry of impressions

Active participation was demonstrated by the department of linguistics and international communication under Volgograd Institute of Management (RANEPA affiliation), Alisher Navo’i Tashkent State University of the Uzbek Language and literature, Suwon University and University of Lorraine.

Reference: the event was organized by Moscow Polytech together with the committee for gastronomic tourism under the Russian Union of the Industry of Tourism and RANEPA.

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