November 2022

Moscow Polytech Examined Trends in Digital Transformation of Society

On November 21, Moscow Polytech hosted the International Conference “Digital Transformation of Society: Trends and Prospects”. Scientists and faculty staff from leading Russian, Kazakh and other foreign universities, experts, students and pupils, attended the forum.

Many interesting reported were presented at the plenary session. For example, Valery Petrov, associate professor of the Department of Management and Informatics in Technical Systems of MSUT “STANKIN”, spoke about what Quality 4.0 is expected to be, and what the digital maturity is in production management during the period of import substitution. Baurzhan Iskakov, professor of the Department of Economics and Innovation Business at the Turan-Astana University, dedicated his report to the topic: “Mechanisms of reducing income inequality among the population of Kazakhstan in the context of the implementation of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)”.

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Olga Yatskevich, Head of the Department of “Technological Equipment” of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty at the Belarus National Technical University, shared the strategy of training qualified engineering staff according to the needs of digital transformation of machine–building enterprises. Ekaterina Mel’nikova, associate professor of the Department of “Photography and Folk Art Culture” at St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television (SPUFT), told about practical aspects of qualimetric assessment of the quality of digitalization of film materials. 

Presentations were also delivered by the scientists from MSU, Moscow Polytech, Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs after V.Ya.Kikotya, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, MSTU “STANKIN”, The Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, “Alikhan Bokeikhan University” (the Republic of Kazakhstan), among others. 

In addition, within the framework of the conference an international competition of scientific and practical works was held - the event for students of colleges and universities who are engaged in scientific or research activities. The expert jury selected the best works on the following topics: “Digital Education, Computer Linguistics, Artificial Intelligence and Information Technologies in Education” and “Digital Transformation of the Society”.

In total, more than 100 works were submitted to the competition. The Jury sums up the results. The results will be announced on November 25.

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“Today, new models of society development are created, new technologies are invested in, current models of digital transformation are actively mastered: artificial intelligence, Big Data, Internet of Things, etc. The goal of digital transformation is a global one – to transfer all spheres of the vital human activity into Digital worlds. And for this, new breakthrough scientific ideas are already required, the “carriers” of which young scientists will become, those possessing multi-functional competencies,” - commented the director of the Institute of Graphics and Book Art named after V.A. Favorsky of Moscow Polytech, the member of the Conference Program Committee Sergey Birichev.

Reference: the Conference was held in the framework of the V International Scientific Forum of faculty staff and young scientists “Digital Technologies: Science, Education, Innovations”. The organizers and partners of the event were Moscow State University of Technology “STANKIN”, Central Research Institute of Russian Sign Language with the informational support of scientific and methodological Journal “The Theory and Practice of Project Education”.

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