July 2024

Moscow Polytech and Liaoning Institute of Science and Technology Discuss Cooperation Plans

Moscow Polytech employees came back fr om China (Jinzhou) wh ere they paid a working visit to Liaoning Institute of Science and Technology. The University delegation was represented by the head of department of “Technical Mechanics and Computer Modelling” Yuilia Brovkina and the department lecturer Vladimir Goverdovsky. The sides discussed the academic prospects for the international students and outlined plans for joint scientific work.

In the course of the rip, the meeting with the administration of the university took place. The vice-president of Liaoning Institute of Science and Technology Liu Yanjun, representatives of the corresponding departments, heads of colleges of “Mechanical Engineering and Automation” and “Transport Engineering”. 


The head of the Chinese university expressed their interest in cooperation with Moscow Polytech. The reason for that was the project of establishing a sino-foreign joint school, which was approved by the Ministry of Education of China. The sides discussed the possible variants of joint teaching specific disciplines, as well as internship prospects for both undergraduates and post-graduates. In addition to that, foreign colleagues expressed their interest in post-graduate studies at our University.

Liaoning Institute of Science and Technology undergraduates and post-graduates have been members of Moscow Polytech student scientific community for two years. They note a high level of the conference and express their intention to keep participating in it in the future.

The framework of scientific cooperation envisages for joint works in vibro- and noise insulation that are carried out by the Russian Scientific Foundation at the department of “Technical Mechanics and Computer Modelling”. Also, there is an interest in holding further joint scholarships.


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