November 2023

Moscow Polytech Vice-President for Science Joins Open Discussion under III Congress for Young Scientists

The open discussion devoted to the “Break-through scientific elaborations made at Universities and business demands – united development vector” took place at Sirius in the framework of III Congress for Young Scientists on November 28. The event was organized by the Foundation for Infrastructure and Educational Programs acting as the agent for the federal project “Platform for University Technological ENtrepreneurship”.

The discussion united the RAS vice-president Stepan Kalmykov, Moscow Poly vice-president for scientific affairs Anton Nalivaiko, MADI rector Artem Azhgirevich and representatives of “Amperion” and “Ephir”.

During the session, the speakers discussed how to establish communication between businesses and universities, experience of break-through elaborations, as well as the mechanisms of launching technological startups. Apart from that, representatives of technological companies and universities discussed cooperation opportunities in perspective field areas: electric propulsion, batteries, new materials and waste recycling.

“Currently, Moscow Poly has been transforming into a venue for an open dialogue on transport industry issues. We`re calling all market participants with a low level of technological readiness to merge into cooperation chains. Moscow Polytechnic University, in its turn, is ready to provide expert-and-analytical support, as well as technological support to the innovative products and offer practically-oriented training for specialists ”, - noted vice-president for scientific affairs Anton Nalivaiko.

As a reminder, Congress for Young Scientists is taking place from November 28 to 30 on the federal premises – “Sirius”. This year, the event united over 5,000 people from over 25 countries from around the globe.

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