September 2023

Moscow Poly to Launch Adaptive Course for Freshmen

On September 9-13, Moscow Poly is holding an adaptive course for the new students enrolled to the University on in the 2023/24 academic year.

At the event, the freshmen will get a chance to:

• Meet their academic group curators and academic tutors

• Meet faculty/institute representatives

• Find out how students develop their own projects

• Learn about student communities

• Visit Moscow Poly “Polet” recreation base located near Moscow

September 9 is the beginning of the contest for the best group in the framework of the adaptive course. 10 best teams will receiver merch, three prize winners will be awarded special souvenir sets and the winner – main prize.

The adaptive course will end with an initiation ceremony for students that will be held on September 14 on the “Main Stage” concern venue.

More detailed information has already been sent to your curators. You can find them by contacting the heads of the Moscow Poly student movement Anna Sazonova and Sergei Matvienko.

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