March 2023

Moscow Poly to Hold Anniversary Exhibition of Works by Russian Honored Artists Alexei Fedulov

Moscow Poly is opening an individual anniversary exhibition of works by the “Academic Drawing and Painting” department under the V.A.Favorsky Institute of Graphics and Book Art professor, Honored Artist of Russia Alexei Fedulov.


The opening will take place on March 30, 2023 at 16:00 at the I.Fedorov Museum of History of Printing and Book Art and Moscow State University of Printing Arts (Mikhlkovskaya st., 7).

To the attention of the audience the selected works by the master of the brushwill be presented. The leading line in the works of the artist Fedulov is sceneries made in plain air trips around Russia. Kolomna, Suzdal, Balaklava, the Baikal lake and many other places have served as the inspiring creative impulse for the appreciated master of the natural landscapes.

The exhibition will be interesting both for the professional artists and those who simply enjoy Russian realist school. Alexei Fedulov`s wide range of technical abilities doesn`t overshadow the fresh and joyful perception of the nature, leaving to the audience the opportunity to empathize with the landscape painter`s bright vision.


For reference: Alexei Fedulov has graduated from the “Memory of 1905” Moscow art school and then Moscow Institute of Printing Arts (currently – Moscow Poly). Alexei is a representative of Moscow realist school of arts, his works are displayed at the republic-wide, area-based, Moscow and regional exhibitions. In 2000, Alexei became an international Grand Prix holder in the “Most Beautiful Stamp” nomination (Riga, Latvia). His works are displayed at the national, corporate and private collections in Russia, Italy, Spain, USA, UK.

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