September 2022

Moscow Poly Team Prepares Road Map for Transforming Project Activity

Project analytical session has come to an end at Moscow Poly. In the course of several days experts from the CUSTIS Russian IT-company together with the University employees discussed the road map for changing the project activity at the University.


The team formed for developing the road map consisted of Center for Project Activity employees, faculties and departments administration, as well as students` supervisors under this discipline.

The team work allowed to hear out different opinions and form develop a strategy on how to sufficiently increase the project result quality, including by means of classification according to levels.


Special attention was given to the issue of helping students to form creative (ART) and social competencies. Particularly, it was suggested to engage all student with no exceptions into social or creative projects.


“Creative and social project allow to acquire crucial “Soft Skills” that sometimes can be more important than professional qualities”, – noted the president Vladimir Miklushevskii at one of the discussions – “If we do suppose that a person leaving the walls of Moscow Poly will lead a team then managing competencies that they`ll be able to acquire through various social and creative projects are really necessary. Otherwise, the situations may turn out to be so that they`re a good engineer but can`t work in team, can`t manage and lead the way”.


The participants of the session have identified the issues and identified their solutions. Now, the solution is being developed so that it would be able to service the basis for the road map. CUSTIS specialists will guide the project till the results specified in the road map are achieved.

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