July 2022

Moscow Poly Students Learnt About NICA Collider Under Construction

Moscow Poly “Polytech Media” media center members Denis Schukov, Vadim Zabirov, Anna Oris and Darya Polushkina have visited the NICA collider construction site under the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region). The press-tour for the representatives of student media united under one youth press-center under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation was held in the framework of the “Science and Universities” national project.


The JINC in Dubna demonstrated Moscow Poly students booster and tunnel of a reactor under construction, told them about the unique opportunities that NICA provides and scientists that are working on this project. Students also had an opportunity to see the fabric where the magnets for the plant are produced, and learnt that the first experiments in collision of beams in the collider are planned to be held early next year.

The participants of the tour met the NICA project supervisor, Vladimir Kekelidze, as well the JINR director, Grigory Trubnikov. One of the subjects of the discussion was the engagement of young people in science.

The press-tour was held under the assistance of the “SES: Science, education and studentship” student media aggregator.

For reference: NICA (Nuclotron based Ion Collider facility) is thought to be the largest physical project in the modern Russia. This is the accelerator that is being created at the JINR (Dubna) for studying properties of the solid baryonic matter. It is thought that after the NICA is launched, the JINR scientists will be able to recreate under the laboratory conditions a special condition that the matter was in during the first moments after the Big Bang – quark-gluon plasma.

In more detail about the visit that Russian students paid to NICA collider one can read on the national projects official website, as well as Moscow Poly official group in VK. 

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