March 2023

Moscow Poly Started “Nenashev`s Recitals” Commemorated to Academician Mikhail Nenashev

The “Nenashev`s Recital” II International scientific-practical conference named after the professor Mikhail Fedorovich has started at Moscow Poly. In the course of the following two days, teachers and the famous journalist`s colleagues will be discussing the relevant issues in mass media: media language and stylistics, media in the era of changes, multimedia formats, publishing in information society.

The forum has started fr om discussing M.F.Nenashev`s innovative role in forming a new information space of the country. Colleagues and students remembered the publicist that was the leading editor of the “Sovetskaya Rossiya” (“Soviet Russia”), president of the USSR State Committee for publishing, printing and book trade, president of the USSR State Committee for television and redio, minister of printing and information of the Russia Federation.

In 2005, Nenashev became the founder and head of department of periodical press (currently – Moscow Poly department of journalism and mass communications)

The host of the meeting Igor Kots, deputy editor of the “Rossiiskaya Gazeta” (“Russian News”), chief editor of the “Rodina” (“Motherland”) journal noted that he treats Mikhail Federovich Nenashev very personally:

“My all life is related to him. I`m thankful to the Moscow Poly team for cherishing the memory of a person of a cosmic scale, true academician and publicist Mikhail Fedorovich Nenashev who has contributed immensely to the history and transformation of the [Russian] national journalism”, – Igor Kots said.

Moscow Poly creative director Ekaterina Khokhlogorskaya highlighted that the University team is endlessly lucky that the famous journalist has chosen the University establish a department wh ere over 800 young journalists and editors have graduated from. These are the specialists that make and develop the modern system of mass information and who will continue making the media of tomorrow.

“We`re trying to fill the conference that we dedicated to the memory of our teacher with a meaning, the energy and research tenacity of our younger peers – students and pos-graduates, representatives of the University community and media”, – Ekaterina Khokhlogorskaya.

Those present watched a documentary entitled “Mikhail Nenashev and his Homeland” prpepared by the editors office of the “Rossiiskaya Gazeta”. The audience were also presented with a book of memoirs “Our Nenashev. The Teacher, Journalist, Minister”. The collection was prepared by the “Sovetskaya Rossiya” and Moscow Poly employees within the Nenashev`s Recitals 2021.

At various sections of the events, researchers from Soochow University (China), Belarus State University, MSU, People`s Friendship University of Friendship (the RUDN University) and etc., delivered their speeches.

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