September 2022

Moscow Poly Received Funding for Establishing Entrepreneursip “Tochka Kipeniya”

Moscow poly received funding for establishing an entrepreneurship “Tochka Kipeniya” based on the results of a competitive selection of the educational institutions of higher education. In total, 60 Russian universities fr om 42 Russian regions will establish their “Tochka Kipeniya” areas.

The launch is scheduled for September 2022. Not later than this year at least 15 events (among them events for university technological teams) that will engage over 1,000 employees.

Tochka should become the focal point for gathering entrepreneurs, creative communities and regional powers. This is the space wh ere both the University employees and students will be able to develop technological business-projects that are oriented for innovation companies and NTI markets.

The Entrepreneurship Tochka Kipeniya at Moscow Poly will engage students in innovative business-project. It will be aimed launching and maintaining technological startups, improving the quality of professional trainings by helping them develop new skills”, - notes the vice-president for scientific elaborations Anton Nalivaiko.

For reference: the contest was held as a part of the “Platform for University Technological Entrepreneuship” federal project under the “Scientific Technological Development of the Russian Federation” government program under assistance of Platform for “National Technological Initiative” autonomous non-commercial organization.


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