“Artistic and Technical Design of Printed Production (ATDPP) 2019 – 22. Best of Diplomas’ exhibition is to be launched at Moscow Poly and held in the period between 12 and 27 April.
Event venue: exhibition area at the learners block on Pavla Korchagina 22.
The event has scheduled several tours. Thus, an observation tour followed by an “Artistic Book Composition” lecture will be held on 13 April at 14:00.
Whereas on 19 April at 11:00 the visitors will be able to attend “ATDPP 2019-22. Best of Diplomas” exposition.
On the last exposition day at 18:00, an observation tour and a “Graduation Work Professional Tasks at the ATDPP department” lecture will take place.
To attend the event, please, fill in the application form.